Kustgenese 2.0 Pilot: Current and Sediment measurements at Amelander Zeegat

With the programme “Kustgenese 2.0”, Rijkswaterstaat is investigating how the Dutch coastline can be developed sustainably whilst accounting for rising sea levels. In this pilot at Amelander Zeegat the effect of sand suppletion on the seabed nearshore along the coast is monitored. In order to do this benchmark measurements have been performed during the autumn of 2017.

As part of this field campaign Aqua Vision simultaneously with Rijkswaterstaat has performed several 13 hour current and discharge measurements to obtain full tidal current characteristics at Amelander Zeegat. Additionally water samples have been taken, which were correlated with the ADCP backscatter data during post-processing with the ViSea PDT software package. This resulted in sediment concentration and flux presentations for every sailed track.



Ameland Zeegaat
