ADCP Workshop 11th edition June 15-16, 2016

Aqua Vision is proud to invite you to the 11th edition of our ADCP Workshop 2016. Past workshops have proven to be a huge success and this one will be no different. With a host of international speakers, demonstrations of the latest ADCP technology and an array of workshops, it’s one you don’t want to miss!


Event sponsors

Deepocean          rdi_2col_2line kl  seabedkl                 Logo Beamworxkl


15- 16 June 2016

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands


June 15: Plenary Session

Invited speakers will introduce you to the latest ADCP developments, issues and applications.

June 16: Workshops

Take part in workshops using the latest instruments, software and data processing and presentation techniques.

pdf   Final program

ADCP workshop 2014


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