Our clients

Below you can find a selection of our client list, including international consultancy firms, prestigious research institutes and government agencies.


Government Agencies we worked for:

Commercial Sector / Industry we worked for:

"Dit is een citaat"


we used the ViSea Software with the new dongle the last three days and it works good. Thank you that you help us so quickly

thank you for the recommendations.
Indeed all of us enjoyed the training and gave us very positive feedback. The topics and presentations were informative and exactly what we needed: focus on practise. Additional the parts dealing with the theory were very interesting and we agree that it is essential to understand what the ADCP is doing (e.g. modes and commands).

De proactieve opstelling en flexibiliteit worden op prijs gesteld

Ik heb het gehoord en deels gezien (het was nat en koud)
Ik ben blij en verheugd dat het werk gisteren is voltooid.

Nogmaals dank voor jullie inzet en betrokkenheid, voor nu in ieder geval een mijlpaal behaald waar we trots op mogen zijn.
Wil jij de welgemeende complimenten aan jouw team geven.

Research Institutes